Light angels are rare. They must be bred of two dark angels, and from that union comes creatures of rare gifts. Angelik, daughter to Victor and Celeste, is one of these creatures. She weilds the power of innocence, which when used right can be very useful to the inhabitants of Sark. She begins the tale in Shea, where she was born. She must journey to her true home of Sark, discover her gifts, and begin learning what it means to be an angel of light.
It almost seems natural for an angel of innocence to be born in Shea. After all, Shea is the land of innocence. Perhaps if she was born in Sark her gifts would have been different, and she would maybe have been the angel of purity, the angel of kindness, or the angel of hope.
She was born in Shea, and that may very well have a great impact on the rest of her life...we'll see what the future books hold!
For now, I want to share some of the many thoughts on her gifts. First of all, she absorbed winter when she came into Sark. This will come into play later in the books. For now though, the idea is that innocence is in a way ignorant. She knows nothing. She is like a blank sheet of paper, waiting to be written on. There is nothing until the story is created by others. This is what makes her the most vulnerable, and that is why Slatkin tries to protect her from the hunters. Who knows what would happen if the hunters were to capture her...
There are lights that give comfort and help us see...then there are lights that blind us, and burn us!
To read more, keep checking this blog, and get your copy of "Angels and Shadows" available at,, and The Book Exchange on Western Blvd. in Jacksonville, NC.
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