Angels & Hunters, the second installment of the Dark Angel Wars is finally here. I have been working on Angels & Hunters since 2011, but a lot of changes and things taking place in my life ultimately delayed the release. It is with great excitement that I announce that it is finally here. Get it now on at my author page:
Please feel free to send others to my page and spread the word. This book has been a long time in the making and even though it is shorter than the first book, I feel that it is better in many ways. I hope you enjoy, and if you do then please feel free to leave a review on Amazon. Also, join my mailing list. This is where (if all goes as planned), you'll get book readings, cut scenes, and many other goodies from all of my books. So please fill out that form on the side of my blog so that you can make sure to get in on all the extras! Until next time, Happy Reading!